Wednesday, April 22, 2009

gearing up for the big change

(written by joelle)

As Steph and Beau's wedding approaches we are trying to juggle getting all the things done for both the wedding and for moving prep.
i find that i am grieving more and more over some things.. like losing kyle last november. i keep having to remember that he isn't just out w/ friends, that he just hasn't arrived yet.. and when i see byron, oh man.. he looks so much like him these days, the way he moves, his frame, that guerra smile, the one you know means that they are up to something in their head. :) Man! i have to face this don't i? it seems too big for my heart. Just like facing the change of moving, obviously they are very different, but my jumbled heart feels it all at once in momentary distress. I'm terrified to move away. It is like having a constant dull pain in your chest. to cope i keep my emotions on low until i have an outburst of irrational and confused anger. Facing the magnitude of this change is terrifying, but good. but scary more than good at times, yikes. I'm afraid of losing things that make me feel safer here, having a great job, family close, knowing the city, knowing what to expect... i have no solid plans or safety nets out there, all i have is God, a husband (who is awesome and i am so blessed by in this process) and the martin's.. I have faith that i will be provided for, but it isn't a missions trip, this is my life! and what if? how? when? are all unanswerable at this time.. i know i know, as it should be.
gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith..

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fair Friends are moving to Fair Haven!!

(written by Joelle Gosda)

Yes, it is true! Your friends Joelle, Tom, Stephanie, and Beau are all moving in the early fall to New Haven Connecticut. Our preferred neighborhood is Fair Haven in the South East side of the city. We are going to go for at least one year, maybe two, we will see how much time is needed to discover who we are and to walk freely in it. 
There are many reasons for this change of location, some i hinted at just now, another is that we are looking forward to having a "walk about" experience (as my dad put it). Not one of us has had the adventure of going away to college, and it finally feels like it is time. There is a great community in Connecticut that is all about encouraging each other's dreams.. they have "dream dinners" where people get around a table and listen to a person's dream. They give feedback, encouragement, and then they are able to encourage and purpose that dream along.. it sounds like such a great idea. Ken Janke is a friend of my dad's who offers a course called Make Believe. Steph and Beau have been in the class since January. It is one weekend a month and it is an intense personal discovery challenge to all the walls we set up for ourselves. Beau and Steph can write more about their experiences at Make Believe later on.. I'm still learning about it. Tom and I plan on taking the course when it is offered next. 
Here are some prayer requests we have:
$$ Make Believe has been costly for Steph and Beau to travel to every month, pray that lots of support comes in at our super fun art show/ fund raiser we are planning for the end of June.
(Moving expenses are a concern too)
Jobs, that they would pay well, be close, come quick, and be the right fit.

We will be living together somewhere in Fair Haven Ct. Pray that we get a good deal on an apartment close to some people we know..
That all the loose ends get worked out with peace and honor.
We are giving thanks for the blessing we have encountered so far with family and friends. 
For faith in our Provider to come through..

There is a lot more to say about it.. 
Just know that we are super excited!
Our hope for this blog is not only to fill our friends and family in on our journey, but to be a personal record of some things we will learn while we are away.. things we want to let change us.
Love and peace~