Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We're Moving!

July 22nd we pack up the Uhaul, the 23rd we go! A few weeks ago the four of us went to New Haven and all the way there i was pretty nervous. Nervous that we wouldn't find a place to live, that things just wouldn't work out.. But we were still on Milwaukee Street in Madison and God told me that we were on His Heart. We finally arrived Friday night after a looong drive through NY rush hour traffic.. and when i saw Ken and gave him a hug, i was so fragile, i almost started crying. Just actually being there, meeting him, facing the possibilities for good or not.. pressures of meeting people, all came in a rush of choking emotion.

Saturday Tom and I got explore a little while Steph and Beau went to their Make Believe class. We met this wonderful and quirky free spirit Erica; who stole away with us in an echoy chapel and shared with us some of her journey w/ Make Believe.. She said that it is completely changed her life, it deconstructs you and then builds you back up. She said it is super hard for people who are in it to talk about it usually. Which i found out the hard when i cheerfully said to a group of people friday night, "Tom and I are thinking of doing the Make Believe course in the fall, what's it like?" It was like a bomb had gone off on the table. NOT ONE person responded.. it was like complete lock down, there was a huge pause, some of them just left the room! I have never been in such a socially awkward situation before in my whole life!
Erica explained that during the deconstruction of walls you put up for yourself, it is really hard to know how to talk about your experience.. Something tells me that i won't be so lost for words.. ha.
Sunday we were invited to join the group for the day's classes. Which was amazing. Definitely convinced Tom and I that this is the right move for us.. in personal growth and self-discovery.. At lunch this wonderfully kind, woman named Christina opened her home to us as a place to stay! She has a finished attic space open for rent. Kevin can come too! It is perfect, by the river, affordable, and already seems like a wonderful place to call home. Steph and Beau have another arrangement for living going on so they can have some space and privacy in their first year of being married. Which is awesome.

I feel blessed by God's goodness, and provision. i was reading in first john that there is NO fear in LOVE. i have been describing this whole thing as terrifying for so long.. and yes, it is new and scary.. but my worry meter has dialed down. God IS good, and even though crazy things happen, I am loved.

Jobs are still in the air so continue to pray for the right fits to come. Tom and Beau are painting restaurants at the moment until we go.. it is at night and that takes a toll of it's own.. on all of us.

We are having a Moving sale July 11th and 12th at our house..
and we are having a Goodbye Party on July 16th.. and there will be more details on when and where soon..i don't remember ha!

Love and Peace